WEEK 00:
the "Ethical” Future for Biotechnology


The concept of Bloodmobile is related to the growing concern of ethical future for biotechnology. Blood product, for example, as a bio-product that heavily relying on transportation and systematic rules, could be monitored and tracked in an IoT(Internet of Things) ecosystem that close up from source to target. In the IoT system, blood donor, blood center, hospital, and the patient can all get to know when and how the blood product is transferred, stored and used in the city. The transparency of blood product circulation will not only solve many safety issues, social concerns but also advocate future and repetitive blood donor.


I. Goals & Rationale

Bloodmobiles are organized by individual group/organization
// Many bloodmobile companies already upgrade the environment with a variety of amenities like TV/privacy screening rooms..etc
// Some are poorly organized, and there is no info exchange during transportation

Due to the uncertainty of blood products from donors, it is hard to regulate blood product supply
// A simple wrong move related to public domain will cause a sharp decrease in blood supply

II. Design & Requirements

Repeat volunteer  
// is considered safer than occasionally drop-in donor: the blood bank is aware of his previous results of blood products

Tracking system on Bloodmobile together with the blood product itself
// A centralize tracking network can be applied to all Bloodmobile organizations and build up the transportation database
// Based on exchanging real-time information, some bloodmobile can dynamically spread around cities and towns
// weather or specific temporary disaster region

Collaboration between hospital/blood product stations/individual bloodmobile companies is hard
//Suggest a third party group to monitor/organize and regulate blood product supply chain

Encouragement for repetitive donor
// Give feedback on the specific donation back to donor: donor can choose to get a notice for how the blood product is in transportation and the number of people who get benefits

III. Assumptions & Risks of “Success”

If the application of monitoring and regulations are controlled in a centralized way by data networks, there are many potential problems
// Unlawful usage of data
// System failure
// Unbalanced power for a small group of people